The mantra to become successful in life is to work cleverly.

5 min readDec 7, 2021

Don’t be an individual who dreams of earrings till the 40s and relaxing afterward.

Warren Buffett is a personality who needs no introduction. A humble-looking gentleman with almost white hair and a sweet smile trademark of his face. He carries a legacy and his work is studied by many universities. Everyone who is into investing in stocks and paving a path for business Buffett work is the library. Though his looks may deceive, an elderly-looking person but his smile holds a devilish secret.

Photo by Varvara Grabova on Unsplash

“There are no shortcuts to any place worth going, Beverly Sills” There may be shortcuts while driving or traveling, but better to avoid any shortcuts in life even if you get one. It’s fun, exciting as you take shortcuts, and see people work hard to achieve the huddle, as they climb one step at a time. There is no more accomplishment than winning at your race. An inner satisfaction, but the reality is as a winner, you’ll miss out on an important lesson called experience. Take a risk, tackle a problem, and come off with the solutions. Life is all about learning and making mistakes. And, if you choose to escape from learning, then you are losing the important lesson




Graphic Designer, Hobbyist Writer, Express Myself and Open-Mindedness